Major Services
Major Services
Architectural Design & Drawings
New Idea & Development Limited provides complete architectural plan along with working drawings. our architects prepare the drawings as per international standards and BNBC codes.

Master Plan

The primary purpose of an architectural master plan is narrowing down the style and aesthetic of the project. Since master planning involves developing a framework for the entire structure, it also defines every last detail. we have experience architects and Typically, our architects work with their team outlining the design scope of the project.
Exterior Design & 3D
Exterior design includes your home’s size and shape, how it fits into the surrounding neighborhood and streetscape, and the impact it has on its site.
While home design is a matter of personal taste, there are practical benefits from designing a home or renovation that:
- is in harmony with your neighborhood
- minimizes its impact on your site’s landforms
- makes the most of solar access and other natural features.

Structural Design & Drawings

Structural design is the methodical investigation of the stability, strength and rigidity of structures. The basic objective in structural analysis and design is to produce a structure capable of resisting all applied loads without failure during its intended life. a better structural design means a better building.
Plumbing Design & Drawings
The term ‘plumbing’ refers to any system that allows the movement of fluids, typically involving pipes, valves, plumbing fixtures, tanks and other apparatus. The responsibility of a plumbing designer is to create plumbing and piping systems that work within the particular needs or specifications of a building or construction project. Plumbing designers are as necessary as any other architect or engineer working on a building project.

Electrical Design & Drawings

NIDL have qualified engineers to provide detailed electrical design & Drawings as per BNBC code and rules with estimation. we design to minimize the possibility of any kind of unwanted accident or hazardous situation.
HVAC & Fire Safety Plan
HVAC stands for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning. This is the building system that regulates the inside temperature of the building and, in some systems, the air quality as well.
Fire Safety Planning prevents the occurrence of fire by the control of fire hazards in the building, ensures operation of fire protection systems by establishing maintenance procedures, and provides a systematic method of safe and orderly evacuation of the building in the event of fire.
NIDL Provide both of the with the help of out qualified engineers who are well experienced in compliance sector.

3D Model Render & Animation

NIDL have qualified designer and architects to provide realistic visualization of your project in the form of both animation and still images. we provide all kind of exterior and interior animation.